Welcome to the Pierce DNA Project South

Has your Pierce genealogy research hit a brick wall? Has the paper trail found in courthouse basements lead to a dead end? If so, you may wish to take advantage of today's cutting edge DNA technology to jump start your research.

Project Background

The Pierce DNA project is limited to Pierces with ancestors from southern U.S. states. All variant spellings of the Pierce surname may join including:

Pearce, Peirce, Pearse, Pierse, and Percy

Participation in the Pierce DNA project is simple. Please use this "Join" link and complete a "Pierce Project Join Request."

After the request is received, participants will be sent a link to join this group and complete an order for a YDNA test, either the YDNA-37 marker test ($119) or the YDNA-111 marker test ($249). The 37 marker YDNA test is Family Tree DNA's recommended test for testing the male line for genealogical research. One may upgrade to a 111 marker test later if needed with the same DNA sample which is stored at the lab.

For any interested new U.K. participant, this project is currently offering to pay for a 37 marker test.

Participants must be male Pierces because the genetic information tested (on the Y chromosome) is passed along the male line from father to son. If you are a Pierce, but are female, you will need to recruit a male Pierce relative-- perhaps a cousin, father, brother, or uncle to participate.

The tests are done by Family Tree DNA located in Houston, TX. Family Tree DNA's website has a wealth of information about the use of DNA analysis in genealogy. For additional information, please see their Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to use our Contact Us form to email the group administrator.

Thanks for visiting the Pierce DNA Project, Southern U.S.

Don't forget to check our sister website!

Pierce DNA North, Northern U.S. & British Isles

Ship Picture

This DNA Project's Goals

Identify other Pierces who are related.

Validate existing traditional research.

Break down brick walls in your Pierce family research.

International Society of Genetic Genealogy

Project News